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The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman


Richard Osman’s The Thursday Murder Club is a commendable modern murder mystery. It has the sociable charm of a golden age story as well as the wit of a detective/cop romp.

“We all have a sob story, but we don’t all go around killing people.”

Reading the opening chapters, I was cheerily reminded of my love of the writing process. Your pen following the words that create themselves in order, their own force of natural will – that spirit is alive and warm in Osman’s writing.

The story is set in Coopers Chase, a retirement village with all the amusing patterns and characters as that of student halls of residence. Characterisation is a winning ticket here, everyone who populates the pages is comfy to get to know and remember like familiar toys. Speaking of pages, do not get me started on how delightful the hardback’s endpapers are – ordinarily I am a paperback reader but the design of TTMC is gorgeous in soft red and black and white.

“Donna sips her tea – murder squad tea – and thinks about suspects.”

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It is a quick read; you could happily sit down and consume this story in three chunks. The right kind of easy charm for a break from work or to dip back into at the weekend, on the sofa.

Want to get back into new books? Pick this up.


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